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Sara Caitlin
4 min read
Calling all Rugelach Newbies!
National Rugelach Day is worthy of a gastronomic adventure and where better to sample them than in one of the most celebrated NYC bakeries
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1 min read
I bake therefore I am
Despite the dozen or so media clippings and various accolades, For Mr. Lee Lee, it’s just about the baking.
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Pan Martinez
3 min read
Why gifting rugelachs could be the best gratitude gift ever
The Gift of GIFTS. After all: The only transcendent unleavened rugelach I’ve found are made in Harlem by a baker named Lee Lee Smalls.
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Ari Reisner
5 min read
Resistance is futile - A #CheatDay Walking around CBGB's and Morningside Park...
A cheat day is a scheduled break in a diet. Social media has increased awareness of these days off, among those who aim to gain muscle.
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